Friday 11th March - Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

The Meadow has gone back to Lake Mode now - the midweek rains have caused the rive to burst its banks and we've got "lake" more or less up to the north end of Burgess Field. Sadly this meant that we lost many of our waders which have moved on elsewhere though I did still manage to find 2 REDSHANK and 1 OYSTERCATCHER when I visited on Thursday late afternoon. Still I can't really complain as now that it's nearly spring every top up to the floods is vital as we battle with the forces of evaporation which are trying to deprive us of our habitat for the crucial spring passage period.

The highlight of the week was this morning when I paid a visit to the Trap Grounds. I like wandering around here though to be honest there's not usually much to see from a birding point of view. On the way back out again by the boardwalk I spotted a Greater Spotted Woodpecker, calling loudly and harassing another smaller bird which turned out to be nothing less than a LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER - a real county Mega these days. I watched it for about five minutes before it disappeared - it seems that the Greater Spot's continued harrying proved too much for it in the end.

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