The floods are continuing the processes of losing their winter birds and they seemed even more empty today. This was partly exacerbated by a jogger running right along the shoreline, putting everything up. Nevertheless, the birds are fairly tolerant of this sort of disturbance and whilst we lost a proportion of the (rather small) gull roost, most of them stayed. This was just as well as in amongst the black-headed gulls I found a splendid adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL. These very smart gulls normally pass through the county in March so this one was a bit early but very much appreciated nonetheless. There was no sign of yesterday's oystercatchers nor the ruff but there were 6 REDSHANK and 1 DUNLIN on the wader front and duck interest was boosted by the presence of 5 SHELDUCK as well as a few PINTAIL still. To round things off the LITTLE GREBE was back on the Spinney stream again this evening.
Here's a bit of video footage as well.